My name is Lan

Before jump rope, I worked as a PE teacher in private schools in Moscow, spent a lot of time researching various educational systems and was inspired by institutions in Finland and Summerhill School in England.

Gradually began to introduce similar principles into work, and then they migrated to ippi

As a child, I believed that sport was about struggle and competition.

Now I think that sport is about the evolutionary development of personality. I am convinced that physical activity is necessary and everyone has a need for it, all that remains - is to find the right sport for yourself. And it doesn't matter at all what will it be: jump rope, dancing or boxing, the important thing is to be passionate about it and keep track of the intensity of life

My students are completely different, and this makes a very clear point to me is that jump rope is limitless and everyone can find something for themselves in it

Besides jump rope, I like riding a longboard, watch Netflix, read books about psychology and pedagogy, walk aimlessly around the center and i am dreaming of going to a Stand-Up show once

My favorite food is pasta

For me, the perfect sport is one in which there is no obligation or violence. Sport should make a person happy, regardless of how and at what pace a person develops in it. Competition for the sake of competition is stupid and I am convinced that it has no place in the 21st century
1:1 classes
60 min.
100 shekels

60 min.
200 shekels

while jumping rope, the most intense removal of toxins from the body occurs
jump rope is 2 in 1: both cardio and strength training
when a person jump ropes, absolutely all muscle groups are involved
text Lan